11041 Oneida Rd, Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Oneida Charter Township is accepting sealed bids through 12pm noon, Wednesday, September 6th, 2023, for a 48 niche, double sided columbarium monument to be installed at Strange Cemetery located at 8864 Oneida Rd, Grand Ledge, MI 48837. Sealed bids must be submitted and clearly labeled “Bid for Columbarium Project” and addressed to Oneida Township Clerk. Sealed bids must arrive at the township by the date and time listed above. Discussion regarding bids will be had at the September 12th Board of Trustees meeting. This is an open meeting, and you are welcome to attend. Bids will be opened on September 6th at 1pm to allow time for any additional questions to be asked prior to the Board meeting. Questions about the project can be directed to the Supervisor, Donald Cooley. Please call us at 517-622-8078. Oneida Charter Township reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, or to award on any or all items, as is in the best interest of the Township. CP#23-199
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