LCC says farewell to Brent Knight with a motorcade

12-year presidency ends June 30


FRIDAY, June 12 — Score of friends and associates of Brent Knight, who retires at the end of the month as president of Lansing Community College, saluted him today with a surprise car parade on Capitol Avenue.

Knight greeted many of them personally from the sidewalk in front of the president’s house.

One after another thanked him for his 12 years of service to the school.

“I enjoyed our time together.”

“I’m going to really miss you, Brent.”

“What a way to leave a legacy.”

“I love you and I appreciate you,” one woman said as her Pomeranian hung out the window barking.

“Congratulations,” another woman said as she drove a wheel onto the curb.

His staff arranged for Knight to make a trip from his office down the street to a chair flanked by balloons on the lawn of his residence for the surprise.

Knight said he was surprised.


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