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It isn't that residents are upset over the trees having to be trimmed. I grew up here and we could count on trimming every year to keep the lines clear, keep us safe, and our trees healthy. Then that practice stopped along the line somewhere. Routine maintenance around the City started to disappear from regular routines, (e.g. street sweepers). These services started happening as needed, for emergencies and immediate problems instead of preventive maintenance. What people are upset about, and rightfully so, is the utter disregard for the health and well-being of the trees they were hacking apart. BWL could have hired people who were trained to cut trees instead of a random 3-guy crew with chainsaws. You find the best solution and implement it which is not what happened. And, you don't blame horrified residents for being upset when half their tree disappeared unnecessarily.

From: Tired of the tree trimming? It may be keeping your heat on.

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