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What a disgustingly anti-democratic, illiberal, and joyless attitude that E.L. superintendent has - a true spirit of the Prussian Factory Model of education. I grew up poor and had no grievances over Halloween or Valentine's Day. As far as the mayor goes, how ignorant does one have to be to think that an over 1800 year old holiday created as an alternative to the Roman Empire's Saturnalia festival, incorporating legends concerning a charitable man born in Asia Minor, as well as Germanic pagan Yule traditions is "heavily centered on evangelical beliefs" that only emerged in th U.S. in the twentieth century?

Look, I don't even have a religion, but I celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Yule, and even (less dedicatedly these days, if you know what I mean) Saturnalia, because they all share a common cultural human theme - in the dark, dead days of winter, we have our friends, our family, our provisions. There isn't warmth enough for many things to last through the winter, but our own light doesn't go out. So we make merry. I'm still poor - definitely poorer than the median income of E.L. - but so what? Hell, I like Festivus, too. All these holidays cheer me up, and are more colorfully valuable to the human experience than the monochrome dialectical social justice cogs of leaden humours.

From: East Lansing schools brush off backlash over canceling Halloween

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