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What I would like to know from people like Mr. Wicker is:

How is it that you are going to maintain ALL the drains (how many are there)? Are you going hire a fleet of staff at the office to do it yourself? Are you going to hire out consultants to inspect every drain? What about the county drains that are known problems? Do you know that the drain commissioner has jurisdiction over certain drains only, and not everything?? It sounds like your solution is to throw money at looking at it and not focusing on known problem on actual county drains. I am not sure that you understand that a portion of every dollar spent by the drain office goes directly to property owners like me. I would want a candidate that is smarter about his expenses (maintenance is not an OPEN CHECKBOOK for us residents) and can prioritize his efforts and spending. I can see you getting yourself into trouble with the 'total transparency' tier of your campaign after you hire out to consultants to inspect ALL the drains, then have to share that cost in your newsletter.

What about problems with MDOT drainage that MDOT isn't addressing, or problems with County ROAD drainage that the Road Commission won't address? Do you have a plan to work with railroad companies not addressing their drain issues?

From: Five-way race brews to unseat Wagner as Eaton County drain commissioner

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