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Propaganda 101.: "Local streets were noisy and filled with racist imagery Wednesday."

The slight of hand at work! Streets were noisy, but in the same sentence, and filled with racist imagery. "Filled with".

Well I was there, had plenty of pictures and videos, and I have no racist imagery. now since the governor said something about Confederate flags, I guess that is a symbol of racism nowadays in America right? Ku Klux Klan hoods are no longer the symbol, it's a Confederate flag right? From everyone that was there discussing this, I won agrees there was one maybe two vehicles that had Confederate flags.

Filled with? By all means please writer, let's not take any images out of context but give us a complete full view of a video clip and show us how it was "filled with", without showing partial context like you guys are so good at..... Smh. Liar.

From: Lansing cops brace for another ‘Operation Gridlock’

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