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I have known Rick and Joe for several years during my time as an officer with Grand Ledge, either canidate would make a County proud to have as Sheriff. Another canidate running for office was a judge at one time and was removed from the bench and I don't people would want someone like that as Sheriff, " I think that's kind of a joke " also him being the current Sheriff Attorney that handled his divorce. I believe it's time for a change at the Sheriff's Office, as there have been several incidents where complaints against the current Sheriff have been made from.a deputy shooting an killing an unarmed teenager coming home from church to misconduct of deputies pllllllulling people from their cars on a traffic stop for asking deputy a question. And now at the last Commissioners meeting the Sheriff says he's out of money. I never heard that when Rick and Joe worked for the Sheriff Deparment.

From: Campaign mailer implies Eaton County Sheriff Reich is a Nazi

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