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What heritage are you referring to Charlie? When you fly the Bars and Stars you aren't simply showing your pride in your heritage. When you fly the flag you have to take into consideration everything the flag stood for and the ideology the people who fought a civil war was for. It may be simple for you but it has way more meaning and hateful undertones attributed to it. No one here is discussing violating your first amendment right to fly the flag at home or on your personal body. What we are discussing is selling these items in a public venue that is intended to provide joy and entertainment to families. When a person of color sees this symbol they visualize someone who would rather own them in chains. When Northerners see this flag it shows a man who would rather kill their fellow man than discuss and move forward for change. When you freely state Rebel yell you have to remember why confederates were rebelling. Is that the heritage you are proud of? It's as I already said, cherish your heritage but don't force the rest of us to do it, too.

From: Commissioners want Confederate flag surrendered at Ingham County Fair

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