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If you live or are from the south, the Confederate flag is a symbol of heritage. I personally have the flag flying at this moment. Heritage not hate is what the flag means to me. The comments on this article about the flag are so one-sided filled with hate, racism, and bigotry. You sound as though you want to take away our First Amendment rights completely. Every kind of flag you can think of is flown in this country. When are you going after the rainbow flag or BLM? Or any other flags out there? Hell go for a ban on any type of flag in this nation. If you are going to ban a flag do all. You guys are a trip. So close-minded about our history, our monuments and now our flag. It's a damn shame that your bigoted racist hate-filled hearts have gotten to this point. Doug in particular. You definitely need a mental health exam to see if you have any common sense. It's the people like you that are running this country in the dirt acting as though you control everything with a Nazi grip, taking things to the point that you alone decide what can or can't be said, shown, or discussed. I pray for you and feel pity for you. Rebel Pride!!!

From: Commissioners want Confederate flag surrendered at Ingham County Fair

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