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Why does everything President Trump say or does turn into a race issue with the liberal mainstream media? Your comment, "all the racists seem to love him," (or something like that) makes no sense. So then, if a certain group of people such as, "Men Who Love Wearing Tight Thongs," absolutely adores one of the liberal Presidential candidates, shall we cast judgement on that male candidate and assume they too enjoy wearing tight thongs? No. And because people out in the free world (remember, we're free don't forget it) decide to go wacko and kill people, even if their rhetoric is based on a person or ideal, there's nobody to blame especially not President Trump but the person who perpetrated the act. What would you like him to do? Shutdown the Constitution-that ain't happening. Any person or reporter that tries to put any of this mud on President Trump is shameful. Do you even know what journalism is and what the ethical code of it is-you don't. You write like you finally made it to the big leagues but you know your a shrew so you hang around the fellas to show your a player. Instead of standing apart you follow along with the rest of them and write outrageous stuff that sounds like it's coming straight outta The Enquirer Magazine. President Trump has done 70 administrative things to bring the US to a new level. He's hit record highs on all different topics. He's done more for our country than any other President in a 2-year period. You need to get a pulse; have someone check your pulse.

From: The R-Word

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