Why do we need your support?

We need your help. Journalism can no longer be supported with advertising revenue alone; newspapers across the country have stopped publishing or laid off staff.  We have been fortunate that we have not had to lay off staff due to our wonderful supporters, like YOU. 

Credible, vetted journalism is necessary for the functioning of a democracy. City Pulse has supported community dialogue, spotlighted important issues, spoken truth to power and covered the arts in Lansing since 2001.

We have always been committed to keeping our print and digital content free, and we need your help to continue. Your support goes to directly fund our reporters and support staff who are tirelessly working to ensure that local coverage of Lansing can continue. A suggested supporter amount of $25 per month is brilliant.  

While daily papers across the country have lost readers at a dramatic rate over the last ten years, our audience has increased. With your support, the City Pulse can continue to deliver award-winning content to Lansing residents and surrounding areas.

Thank you for your continued support!

Donate directly to City Pulse:



Or you can give to the City Pulse Fund for Community Journalism, which means it will be used strictly for editorial content. If you give to the City Pulse Fund, your gift is fully deductible. However, if a deduction will not benefit you — as is the cost with most gifts — we encourage you to donate directly to City Pulse.

Donate to the City Pulse Fund for Community Journalism:



If you would like to mail a check, please make it out to City Pulse or City Pulse Fund for Community Journalism and mail it to City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912. If you have any questions please call Kamara Miller  at (517) 999-6704.


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