Pursuant to Section 401 of Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended (the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act), notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting held on December 11, 2024, the Williamstown Township Board of Trustees adopted the following amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:
A minimum forty (40) foot setback shall be maintained from any lake, pond, other open body of water, or wetland, unless a larger setback is required by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). This requirement shall apply to all principal, accessory, and other structures, including roads and drainage.
Approved Planned Developments (such as Baan.Gan.Aka, Pine Knoll Estates, and Williamstown Estates) shall be subject to the minimum setbacks and other requirements specified on the plans and in the Planned Development Agreement for each such development.
Approved Open Space Developments (such as Steeplechase) shall be subject to the minimum setbacks and other requirements specified on the plans for each such development.
A copy of the ordinance amendments may be obtained or inspected at the Williamstown Township Hall, 4990 Zimmer Road, Williamston, MI 48895 during normal business hours. Pursuant to Section 401(6) of Act 110, the amendments shall take effect upon expiration of seven days after publication of this notice.
Robin A. Cleveland, Township Clerk
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